Campus lectures, workshops and seminars for the week of Aug. 31 to Sept. 6. For a complete list of events at UNL, go to http://events.unl.edu.
Monday, Sept. 2
Labor Day, UNL offices closed, no classes
Wednesday, Sept. 4
New Employee Orientation, 9 a.m., Nebraska Union. Call 402-472-3106 http://events.unl.edu/2013/09/04/74562/
Nebraska Gateway to Nutrigenomics Fall Seminar, “Promotion of Methylation Reactions by Betaine: A Therapeutic Approach in the Treatment of Alcoholic Liver Injury,” Kasum Kharbanda, Veteran Affairs Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System/UNMC, noon, East Union. Call 402-472-3862 http://events.unl.edu/2013/09/04/80371/
Natural Resources Research Seminar, “Delivering Useful and Usable Climate Information Products,” Martha Shulski, director, High Plains Regional Climate Center, 3:30 p.m., 107 Hardin Hall. Call 402-472-7537 http://events.unl.edu/2013/09/04/80536/
Academic Success Workshop, “Time Management and Learning to Plan,” 4 p.m., 111 Love Library South. Call 402-472-4826 http://events.unl.edu/2013/09/04/80664/
Biotechnology/Life Sciences Seminar, “The Mammalian Circadian Timing System: Organization and Coordination of Central and Peripheral Clocks,” Gary Pickard, UNL, 4 p.m., E103 Beadle Center. Call 402-472-2635 http://events.unl.edu/2013/09/04/80892/
Meeting, ONE at UNL, 6 to 7 p.m., Nebraska Union. http://events.unl.edu/2013/09/04/80636/
Thursday, Sept. 5
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute workshop, “Outsmarting Investment Fraud,” 9 to 11 a.m., NET building, 1800 N. 33rd St. Register at http://olli.unl.edu. Call 402-472-6265 http://events.unl.edu/2013/09/05/80366/
Biological Sciences Seminar, “Effects of Plant Species on Ecosystems: Addressing the Complexity Under Global Change,” Ann Russell, Iowa State University, 3:30 p.m., 112 Hamilton Hall. Call 402-472-7665 http://events.unl.edu/2013/09/05/80420/
Mike Smith Live, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., Nebraska Union Ballroom. Free for students, $5 general admission. http://events.unl.edu/2013/09/05/80860/
Friday, Sept.6
Chemistry Colloquium, “Development of Photodissociation Mass Spectrometry for Biological Applications,” Jennifer Brodbelt, University of Texas at Austin, 3:30 p.m., 112 Hamilton Hall. Call 402-472-3523 http://events.unl.edu/2013/09/06/79884/
Presentation, “Men and the Art of Quiltmaking,” Joe Cunningham, quilt maker, author and musician, 5:30 p.m., International Quilt Study Center and Museum. Call 402-472-6549 http://events.unl.edu/2013/09/06/80622/