While many students headed home or to a beach over spring break, a group of UNL students participated in a service-learning trip focused on civil rights.
Twenty-nine UNL students from the William H. Thompson Scholars Learning Community participated in the “Civil Rights in Contemporary Perspective” trip March 21-28. The trip explored a wide range of civil rights issues such as poverty, socio-economic status, community building, volunteerism and the history of the civil rights movement in the United States. Travel stops included Central High School in Little Rock, Ark., Cleveland, Miss., three days of service work in New Orleans, the National Civil Rights Museum and the Slave Haven Underground Railroad Museum in Memphis, Tenn., and the Ozarks.
Emira Ibrahimpasic, one of the organizers, said that the trip was designed to provide a first-hand perspective on different historical events that led to the formation of the civil rights movement.
The William H. Thompson Scholars Learning Community is specifically designed for UNL students who have been awarded a scholarship from the Susan T. Buffett Foundation. Students take co-enrolled courses together, participate in academic, social and cultural programs, and work with upper-class peer mentors to facilitate their academic transition and success at UNL.
For more information, go to http://www.unl.edu/wht/home.
Following is a list of participating students by hometown. Information includes year in school and academic major(s).
Crete: Jessica Vazquez, sophomore, English, Spanish and film studies.
Grand Island: Abigail Jameson, senior, pre-medicine, nutrition science.
Hastings: Minh Doan, senior, biological sciences.
**Kearney: **Sophia Loveless, junior, political science, global studies and history.
La Vista: Victoriano Aquino Jr., sophomore, biology.
Lincoln: Diana Andablo Dominquez, sophomore, anthropology and ethnic studies; Rousol Aribi, freshman, pre-architecture; Alejandra Ayotitla, freshman, psychology; Louisie Buzi, senior, child development and early childhood; Ashley Carngbe, sophomore, undecided; Daisy Friesell, junior, elementary education; Zain Saleh, sophomore, psychology; Marna Wiu, senior, biology.
Omaha: Angela Berry, senior, advertising, public relations and communication studies; Kristoffer Bridges, freshman, construction management ; Kathleen Farris, senior, fisheries and wildlife, and biological sciences; Denai Fraction, junior, biological sciences/pre-medicince; Regan Kessler, junior, global studies; Timmy Noonan, freshman, English; Sherae Sawyer, senior, broadcasting; Mecca Slaughter, freshman, broadcasting; Johnterry Whitner, senior, political science and communications; Randall Owens, senior, graphic design .
Raymond: Norhan Al-Baaj, sophomore, biology.
South Sioux City: Juan Morales, freshman, architecture; Sindy Sarceno-Escobar, freshman, pre-health; Thuy-Dung Tran, freshman, undecided.
Wilcox: Alex Jurgens, senior, agricultural education-leadership.
York: Suleima Garcia, junior, Spanish.