A farewell reception for Scott Killinger, interim dean of the College of Architecture, is 3:30 to 5 p.m. June 27 in the Nebraska Union, Colonial Room B.
Killinger has served as interim dean since Aug. 17, 2015. He is an executive-committee member of the UNL College of Architecture’s Professional Advisory Council and is a sponsor of the Killinger China Program, an annual fall semester study-abroad opportunity in Tianjin comprised of Tianjin and UNL students.
Katherine Ankerson, professor and head of the Department of Interior Architecture and Product Design at Kansas State University, has been appointed as dean of UNL’s College of Architecture. She was a professor and associate dean of the college from 1996 to 2011 before her tenure at Kansas State. She will assume the dean’s post July 1. Read more here.
Killinger’s reception is free and open to the public.