The third edition of “The Groundwater Atlas of Nebraska” has been selected as the recipient of the 2014 John C. Frye Memorial Award. The award, co-sponsored by the Association of American State Geologists and the Geological Society of America, recognizes the best nominated publication in the field of environmental geology published by a state geological survey or by the Geological Society of America.
“This award is another example of the accomplishments of the faculty and staff of the School of Natural Resources and one that the citizens of Nebraska should take pride in,” said Mark Kuzila, professor and director of the Conservation and Survey Division.
The call for nominations states that the publication should identify a geologically based environmental issue, provide sound and substantive information pertinent to the problem, relate geology to the issue and present information directly usable by geologists and other professionals.
The selection committee then assessed the uniqueness, significance and overall worthiness of the publication. Fourteen nominations were submitted this year.
“The fact that ‘The Groundwater Atlas of Nebraska’ fulfilled the rigorous selection criteria and was selected for the award against such tough competition is a testimony to the expertise of the authors,” Kuzila said. “It also indicates their dedication to the legislated duty of the Conservation and Survey Division to survey and describe the natural resources of the state.”
The third edition of the atlas was completed in November 2013 after two years of research, writing and editing.
“Rather than just reproduce maps that have been published in the past, we wanted our readers to know that our understanding of groundwater in Nebraska has evolved over the past half-century,” said Jesse Korus, survey geologist and lead author/coordinator of the third edition atlas. “In some cases, it has improved substantially. In other cases, things we once thought we knew are now being questioned, and more work is needed to provide accurate and detailed maps on a statewide level.”
The Conservation and Survey Division, a multidisciplinary research, service and data-collection organization established by Nebraska state statute in 1921, produces the atlas. The CSD also serves as the natural resource survey component of UNL’s School of Natural Resources.
“This is outstanding news for the Conservation and Survey Division and their monitoring efforts in the state of Nebraska,” said John Carroll, professor and SNR director. “They often work behind the scenes generating extremely important data here in Nebraska. We are so pleased with this national recognition of their efforts.”
The atlas is $15 and available for purchase from the Nebraska Maps and More Store on the first floor of Hardin Hall at 33rd and Holdrege streets. The book can also be purchased online at http://nebraskamaps.unl.edu and http://amazon.com. To place an order via phone, call 472-3471.