A test of UNL’s Amplified Voice System for tornado warnings is planned for Sept. 4. Students, faculty and staff are not required to seek shelter during the test, but are encouraged to review tornado procedures for buildings or areas.
At about 10:15 a.m. Sept. 4, individuals in buildings linked to the amplified voice system will hear the system test — a loud recorded voice informing those in the vicinity of a tornado warning and providing instructions on how to proceed.
The campus test will be in conjunction with Lancaster County’s monthly test of outdoor warning sirens and National Weather Service alert radios.
If there is actual severe weather in the area, the test will be canceled to avoid any confusion.
A list of the buildings that are connected to UNL’s internal warning system is available at http://go.unl.edu/bfk.
UNL’s tornado warning policy is available at http://go.unl.edu/tornado.