The Fall 2019 Teaching and Learning Symposium on Oct. 25 will celebrate the grand opening of the university's Center for Transformative Teaching and focus on inclusive instructional approaches with a keynote by Carl S. Moore from the University of the District of Columbia.
The program is 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Nebraska Innovation Campus and will begin with senior administration introducing the center and its inaugural director, Nicholas Monk. Attendees will circulate through interactive exhibits showcasing the range of services provided by the center and its campus partners.
Moore's keynote workshop is "Learning for the Future: Leveraging Lessons Learned to Empower Ourselves and the Learners We Serve." Following the keynote, breakout sessions will address a variety of topics on making education affordable, building student belonging and self-efficacy, teaching tips to promote effective learning, creating student-centered syllabi and more.
The Teaching and Learning Symposium is a professional development opportunity sponsored by the Executive Vice Chancellor’s Office in the fall and spring. Additional details about the fall symposium and a registration link are available online. Registration closes at 5 p.m. Oct. 21.