November 19, 2018

Faculty 101 examines research into, protection against foodborne pathogens

Video: Faculty 101 teaser

Nebraska Today is putting a new twist on how we delivers stories about our state’s flagship university and the students, faculty and staff who flourish here.

We’ve thrown our microphones into the ring with Faculty 101, a podcast series that delivers regular insights — some serious, others silly — into the work and lives of Husker faculty.

Listen: Faculty 101 on food safety

In this new episode of Faculty 101, host Mary Jane Bruce talks with Nebraska faculty about E. coli research and what families can do to protect themselves from foodborne illness this Thanksgiving.

Since 1984, Rodney Moxley, professor of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences, has studied E. coli. In his U.S. Department of Agriculture-supported research, Moxley leads a team that examines the most virulent strains of the E. coli bacteria.

In the first half of Faculty 101, Moxley discusses the Coordinated Agricultural Project, which includes 53 scientists at 18 institutions, and how they are working to improve the understanding and detection of E. coli, while also training the next generation of food safety experts.

Georgia Jones, associate professor of nutrition and health sciences, is featured in the second half of the episode. She talks about steps consumers can take to protect themselves and others from food-borne illnesses that can arise as a part of big family gatherings — like the Thanksgiving meal.

Faculty 101 episodes will be featured here on Nebraska Today, but you can also subscribe via iTunes and Stitcher). Additional podcast delivery systems will be announced as they come online.

As always, we welcome your feedback. If you like the podcast, please subscribe and share it via a favorite social media channel. You can also offer us feedback and story ideas by sending email to or calling 402-472-8515.