An educational seminar over the emerald ash borer will be 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 18 at the Lancaster Extension Education Center, 444 Cherrycreek Road. Those interested in learning more about the insect and its effect on ash trees are welcome to attend.
The seminar comes after the first emerald ash borer in Lincoln was discovered this past August on a residential property northwest of Pioneer’s Park. Prior to the discovery, the ash borer was also spotted in Mahoney State Park, Omaha, and Greenwood.
Hosted by the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County and the Nebraska Forest Service, the lecture will provide property owners with the information they need to make good decisions about their ash trees. At the seminar, property owners will:
- Learn how to identify ash trees
- Learn how to determine which of their ash trees are the best candidates for treatment
- Find out about available treatment methods, their advantages and disadvantages, and when they should be applied
- Learn about good replacement trees
Seminar presenters include Sarah Browning, Nebraska Extension horticulture educator; and Laurie Stepanek and Dave Olson, forest health specialists at the Nebraska Forest Service. Participants are encouraged to bring a small branch sample or picture of their tree if they are unsure if it is an ash.
Registration is required by Oct. 15 and can be completed by calling 402-441-7180. The cost for attending is $15 per person/couple and will include one set of educational materials.