The Chancellor’s Environment, Sustainability and Resilience Commission is seeking new members to help implement the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Environment, Sustainability and Resilience Master Plan.
The master plan was developed by the commission, and will serve as the long-term road map for socially responsible stewardship of resources and the creation of resilient systems at Nebraska. The commission is seeking faculty, staff or students interested in becoming a member of the commission and contributing to the next phase of implementation of the master plan.
Members of the commission will serve on one of eight working groups tasked with advising on the implementation of the master plan and acting as ambassadors for environmental, sustainability and resiliency goals on campus. Each working group will consist of five to eight members including, at a minimum, one student representative.
Anyone with interest in serving the University in this endeavor may complete the application here by Sept. 1. For more details on the commission and the master plan, please visit the Chancellor’s Environment, Sustainability, and Resilience Commission webpage.
Questions about the commission may be directed to Dave Gosselin.