April 12, 2021

75 faculty, staff receive Family and Friends Recognition Awards

University Communication

The Family and Friends Awards, formerly known as the Parents’ Recognition Awards, recognize faculty and staff who have made a significant difference in students’ lives. Seventy-five University of Nebraska-Lincoln employees were honored for their support to students during a virtual celebration March 5.

All nominations are submitted by parents, family and friends of students who include a short explanation of why this person was nominated. The nomination is anonymously shared with each recipient and all recipients receive a certificate.

The honors provide encouraging feedback to employees about their impact on students, while inspiring positive student and faculty relationships, giving recognition in an area often overlooked by formal rewards systems.

The annual recognition ceremony was organized by the Office of Student Affairs and co-sponsored by the Teaching Council and the Parents Association. This is the 33rd year Nebraska faculty and staff have received this award.

The 2020-2021 recipients are listed below. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of times a recipient has received the award. If no number is listed, the award is a first-time honor. For more information, contact Student Affairs at 402-472-3755.

Calvin Peter Garbin of Psychology, who received the award for the twentieth year.
Nebraska's Cal Garbin, a professor of psychology, earned a Family and Friends award for the 20th-straight year.

Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

  • Michelle Bassford​, Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program​
  • Joseph Dauer​, School of Natural ​Resources​
  • Thomas Field​, Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program​
  • Michael Kaiser​, Agronomy & Horticulture​
  • Sue Ellen Pegg, CASNR Deans Office ​(7)
  • Marshal Peterson​, Animal Science​
  • Cheryl Pflueger​, Biological Systems​Engineering ​(4)
  • Larkin Powell​, School of Natural​Resources​(7)
  • ​John Ruberson​, Entomology​
  • Kim Todd​, Agronomy & Horticulture​ (14)
  • Thomas Weissling​, Entomology​ (2)


  • Brian Kelly, Architecture (2)

Arts and Sciences

  • William Belcher​, School of Global ​Integrative Studies​
  • Tim Borstelmann, History (5)
  • Carolyn Brown Kramer​, Psychology​ (3)
  • Alan Christensen​, School of Biological​Sciences​ (3)
  • Brittany Duncan​, Computer Science & Engineering​
  • Irina Filina​, Earth and Atmospheric​Sciences​ (2)
  • Jenna Finch​, Psychology​
  • Calvin Peter Garbin, Psychology (20)
  • Kevin Gonzales, Mathematics (5)
  • ​David Hage​, Chemistry​
  • ​Nicholas Hubbard​, Psychology​
  • Ann Koopman​, Computer Science ​& Engineering​(17)
  • Michael Lippman​, Classics & Religious​Studies​(3)
  • Omera Matoo, School of Biological ​Sciences​
  • Rupal Mehta​, Political Science​(2)
  • Kristi Montooth​, School of Biological ​Sciences​
  • Kelli Roeber-Schoening​, Mathematics​
  • ​Stephen Scott​, Computer Science​& Engineering​(2)
  • Trisha Vickrey​, Chemistry​(2)
  • ​Mark Walker​, Mathematics​(4)
  • ​Eric Weaver​, School of ​Biological Sciences​(2)
  • Manda Williamson​, Psychology​(9)
  • Cynthia Willis Esqueda, Psychology (5)
  • Sijia Yao, Modern Languages & Literatures (5)


  • Elina Ibrayeva​, Management​(3)
  • ​Michelle Jacobs​, Marketing​(8)
  • ​Yanxin (Graham) Liu​, Finance

Education and Human Sciences

  • Ajai Ammachathram​, Nutrition & Health Sciences​(4)
  • ​Evan Choi​, Child, Youth ​& Family Studies​
  • Maria De Guzman​, Child, Youth ​& Family Studies​
  • Cindy DeRyke​, Educational Administration​(2)
  • Matthew Gormley​, Education Psychology​
  • ​Nicholas Husbye​, Teaching, Learning ​& Teacher Education​
  • Megan Kelley​, Nutrition & Health Sciences​
  • ​Raymond Ramirez​, CEHS Advising​
  • Amanda Rodriguez​, Special Ed ​& Communication Disorders​
  • Lawrence Scharmann, Teaching, Learning ​& Teacher Education​
  • Mary Willis, Nutrition & Health Sciences (5)
  • Yan Xia​, Child, Youth ​& Family Studies


  • Terry Stentz​, Architectural Engineering ​& Construction​
  • Ruiguo Yang​, Mechanical & Materials​ Engineering

Fine and Performing Arts

  • Hye-Won Hwang​, Glenn Korff​School of Music​
  • Steve Kolbe​, Johnny Carson School of Theatre & Film (8) ​
  • Tyler White​, Glenn Korff​School of Music​(4)
  • Sandra Williams​, School of Art, Art History ​& Design​(11)

Journalism and Mass Communications

  • Kelli Britten​, Advertising ​& Public Relations (4)​
  • ​Mollie Cox​, Advertising ​& Public Relations​
  • Alex Fernando​, Deans Office (2)​
  • ​​​Kris Scanlon, Deans Office ​
  • ​Jennifer Sheppard​, Sports Media ​& Communication​
  • Adam Wagler​, Advertising​& Public Relations (4)

Academic Affairs

  • Tamy Burnett​, University Honors​Program​(2)
  • Sabrina Guerra​, Center for Academic​Success & Transition​
  • Shannon Mangram​, University Honors​Program​
  • Anna Plank​, Scholarships ​& Financial Aid​(13)

Information Technology Services

  • A Jake Kluczynski​, ITS – Client Services


  • Chandra Hawley, West Central Research and Extension Center
  • Jacqueline Musgrave, West Central Research and Extension Center
  • John Nollette​, West Central Research​and Extension Center​
  • Bobby Skates​, West Central Research ​and Extension Center

Student Affairs

  • Wahadi Allen, Massengale Residential​Center – Dining
  • Marianna Burks, TRIO Programs (5) ​
  • Amanda Orr​, Massengale Residential​Center – Res Life (2)​