Editor’s note: On April 9, Executive Vice Chancellor Elizabeth Spiller announced additional changes to the Pass/No Pass policy for the spring semester. Some of those changes supersede the information listed below. For the most up-to-date Pass/No Pass policy, please read Spiller’s announcement here.
In response to disruptions caused by COVID-19, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln has shifted the deadline for undergraduate students to classify a course as Pass/No Pass from March 6 to April 24.
Under the Pass/No Pass designation, “Pass” is interpreted as a grade of “C” or higher, with a “No Pass” equivalent to a “C–” or lower. The Pass/No Pass designation does not contribute to a student’s grade point average.
Colleges, departments and professors may have course-specific restrictions on the use of the Pass/No Pass option. The option cannot be used when repeating a course to remove a grade of “C–” or lower from a student’s grade point average.
Undergraduates must consult with an academic adviser before making the decision to classify an eligible course as Pass/No Pass. Other changes and more information relevant to students can be found at covid19.unl.edu/students.