January 14, 2022

Squirrelly news | Photo of the Week

A squirrel sits on a snow mound munching on a peanut outside of Hamilton Hall on Nebraska's City Campus.
Craig Chandler | University Communication

Craig Chandler | University Communication

Seeking its 15 minutes of fame, a fox squirrel appears to pose (with a smile) atop a snow pile outside of Pound Hall.

With reduced activity during the University of Nebraska–Lincoln's winter break, squirrels were out in force on both City and East campuses. They even made news around the world after a family of flying squirrels was discovered in December on East Campus.

The gliders were a rare find, as Nebraska's last-known population of flying squirrels was believed to be at Indian Cave State Park, some 90 miles southeast of Lincoln. Read more about the flying squirrels and how they received assistance from university faculty and staff.


Social media photos of the week

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