This 2020 spring and fall academic semester have been like none other experienced by college students in history. The focus on mental health and well-being is vital and needs to be a main priority for everyone.
Recent data from the American College Health Association and Healthy Minds Study shows that college students are returning to campus with higher rates of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, financial stress and insecurities of basic needs than prior to the pandemic.
The goal is to provide resources to help with these increasing issues. It is also important to note that the top five coping strategies that college students say they have benefited from during this pandemic are virtual interaction with friends, in-person interaction with friends, being around pets, family support provided by living at home and lastly, virtual mental health services and trainings (Active Minds, 2020).
The University of Nebraska Big Red Resilience and Well-being has offered and continues to offer two trainings that are both evidenced based, prevention strategies for suicide prevention. To help equip students, faculty, staff and parents with more knowledge about emotional well-being, including learning about warning signs that a student may be in danger, Big Red Resilience and Well-being is offering QPR (Question, Persuade and Refer) Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper training online. The 3 steps of QPR are: Question the individual’s desire or intent regarding suicide; persuade the person to seek and accept help; refer the person to appropriate resources.
After completing the training, participants earn a certificate designating them as a suicide prevention gatekeeper. QPR is being offered in addition to REACH Suicide Prevention training, which is an in-person suicide prevention training available to groups. QPR can also serve as a refresher for individuals who have previously completed REACH training. Request QPR training access online.