Chancellor Harvey Perlman will deliver his 15th annual State of the University address to faculty, staff, students and interested visitors on Oct. 2. The address begins at 11 a.m. at the Lied Center for Performing Arts, 301 N. 12th St.
The speech traditionally outlines university priorities for the coming year while addressing major accomplishments during the previous academic year.
Faculty and staff being honored for service milestones will be recognized during the annual employee service award recognition program beginning at 10:30 a.m. at the Lied Center. Because of the likelihood of inclement weather, the All Employee Picnic outside Lied will be moved into the Van Brunt Visitor’s Center following the address.
The speech will be streamed live at NET and televised on Time Warner channel 80 with digital cable, or channel 71.6 without digital cable equipment. KRNU Radio (90.3 FM) also will broadcast the address.
Campus shuttles will be available beginning at 8:45 a.m. on East Campus, picking up from Agriculture Hall, College of Law and Animal Science transporting people to City Campus to the 13th Street bus stop on the east side of the Van Brunt Visitors Center. Buses will continue this route until 11:45 a.m. then at 12:30 will run this route in reverse with the first pick up at the 13th Street bus stop returning to Agriculture Hall, the College of Law and Animal Science until 2:30 p.m.
As a statement of UNL’s effort to strive towards sustainability, this year’s picnic will be a “Zero Waste Event.” The goal is to divert at least 90 percent of materials away from the landfill. Faculty and staff are advised to follow signs for composting, recycling and waste during the outdoor lunch event. Ample zero waste stations will be monitored by volunteers to make it easy for attendees to participate.
All 14 of Chancellor Perlman’s previous State of the University addresses are available here.