The University of Nebraska–Lincoln, with support from the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department, will hold an on-campus vaccination clinic on April 20.
The clinic — open to all students, faculty and staff not yet vaccinated — will be 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Coliseum, 1350 Vine St. Free parking will be available in lots immediately east of Memorial Stadium. Overflow parking will be offered in the parking garage at 14th and Avery streets.
“Being vaccinated against COVID-19 is the single most important step any of us can take to protect ourselves and our university community,” Chancellor Ronnie Green said. “The more people within our community who are vaccinated, the more quickly we can return to more pre-pandemic opportunities on our campus.
“As a scientist and your chancellor, I highly recommend you take advantage of this opportunity to help keep yourself, and all of us, safe.
Registration, available here, will prompt an email invitation from the county health department to sign up for an appointment. Individuals 18 or younger who register will also receive instructions on how to provide parental authorization.
Walk-in appointments will be available to anyone who is at least age 19 and has a valid NCard.
Faculty, staff and students can also volunteer to support the clinic by sending email to julie.kroese@unl.edu.
The clinic will feature the Pfizer vaccine, which requires a second dose administered approximately 21 days after the initial. The university will hold another on-campus clinic the week of May 10 to provide access to the second dose. Students who live on campus can extend housing (at no cost) to receive the second dose by sending an email to covid19@unl.edu.
The clinic will also include free food and refreshments on the East Stadium plaza for any student with a COVID-19 vaccination card and valid NCard.
The university’s on-campus clinics are open to all other higher education institutions within Lancaster County.