December 1, 2021

Nebraska U outlines COVID-19 plans for spring semester

Dec. 8 clinic to feature COVID-19, flu vaccines

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is starting to define COVID-19 protocols for the spring 2022 semester.

Announced in a Dec. 1 university-wide message from Chancellor Ronnie Green, spring plans include a shift to random mitigation testing for all students, faculty and staff, and ending the use of the Safer Community app for building access. The message also outlined a Dec. 8 vaccination clinic open to the university community.

The spring semester will open with a saliva-based COVID-19 testing protocol that will randomly select a certain percentage of the campus community each week. Selection will include both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals within student, faculty and staff populations.

Random mitigation testing will begin the week of Jan. 16. Huskers selected are required to complete testing by the end of the respective week. Students, faculty and staff will be notified of selection via email and through the Safer Community app.

The app will also continue to be used as a tool for scheduling COVID-19 testing and for obtaining results.

In the spring semester, the university’s saliva-based testing program will remain free and open to any student, faculty or staff who suspects exposure to the virus.

Due to the changing nature of the pandemic response — including growing concerns related to variants of the virus — the university may need to adjust plans for the spring semester. All changes or updates will be announced to the campus community.

To further enhance virus protection for the campus community, the university is partnering with the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department and University Health Center to offer a free vaccination clinic for COVID-19 and influenza on Dec. 8.

The COVID-19 clinic is open to anyone and every level of vaccination — first shot, second or booster. The flu vaccine will be available to students only. Faculty and staff are highly encouraged to obtain a flu vaccine from a local pharmacy, doctor’s office or by contacting the University Health Center directly.

The Dec. 8 vaccination clinics will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Nebraska Union’s Regency Suite, and 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska East Union’s Prairie Suite.

Registration for the COVID-19 vaccine (which will be either Pfizer or Moderna) is preferred. Students can opt to receive the flu vaccine at the clinic site. Drop-ins are welcome at the clinic.

Click here to register for the COVID-19 second dose or booster inoculation. Huskers seeking a first dose should begin the registration process here.

For more details on the university’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, click here.