The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum will host Garden Walks in Lincoln Sept. 10, and in Omaha Sept. 17, both from 5 to 7:30 p.m.
Eight gardens in Lincoln and nine gardens in Omaha will be open to tour, with owners available at the properties to answer questions and provide information about the plants, garden design and landscaping. All of the gardens included on the tours are maintained by NSA members and feature native plants and sustainable landscaping.
“This is a great opportunity for people to connect, exchange ideas and get inspired and for gardeners to show off the fruits of their labor,” Hanna Pinneo, NSA executive director, said. “We also can’t think of a better way to spend a September evening than meandering through some beautiful gardens.”
Tickets for the Lincoln and Omaha Garden Walks are $10/car for NSA members and $15/car for non-members. Ticket purchases help to support NSA’s tree planting, garden making and environmental education outreach work all across the state. Upon registering, participants will be emailed a map of the gardens on the tours, the street addresses and a description of each.