The American Association of University Professors has removed the University of Nebraska–Lincoln from its list of censured institutions.
The national organization censured the university in June 2018.
The AAUP’s Nov. 20 vote to remove censure comes after the university took steps to clarify its disciplinary procedures for all employees. Those practices, developed by campus leaders, including the Faculty Senate, were approved in April by the University of Nebraska Board of Regents.
“UNL’s collaborative effort with our faculty, the university system and the Board of Regents created clearer procedures and stronger protections for academic freedom for our faculty,” Chancellor Ronnie Green said. “This is good for our institution. I am pleased to come to the end of this effort and thank the AAUP for affirming the changes we made.”
Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the AAUP is a nonprofit association of faculty and academic professionals. It was founded in 1915 to help guide American higher education by establishing standards and procedures related to instruction and academic freedom. Membership includes more than 500 university chapters and 39 state organizations.