Returning to the office after the start of a new year may mean a fresh mindset, a clean office and an overall stronger motivation to get stuff done. But, before all that can start, it's important to reflect on last year’s work. Job performance reviews to many can be the most intimidating meeting of the year, but they don’t have to be.
Todd Thornock, Raymond C. Dein Professor of Accountancy and an associate professor in the Nebraska College of Business, focuses his research on how to help managers and employees align their goals to achieve organizational objectives. He looks into the best way for performance feedback to be delivered and evaluated. Based on his years of research, Thornock offers three simple tips to employees preparing for performance reviews.
Don’t let it speak to your self-worth
Although not legally required, most companies conduct annual job performance reviews to set clear goals/expectations for the upcoming year, to address any concerns they may have, and to maintain a formal record of employee performance overtime. During this meeting, it’s important to remind yourself they are not speaking to you personally, but rather your work performance. While it may feel like a personal attack if done poorly, these reviews are intended to help employees improve, not knock them down. You are not your job.
Feel the emotions
Did you only “meet expectations” instead of “exceed expectations” and now feel like those late nights at the office were all for nothing? It’s important to let yourself feel the emotions. Whether it's anger, confusion, sadness, frustration or embarrassment, let your brain process. Take a walk. Treat yourself to your favorite coffee or pick-me-up. Journal. Remember to breathe. This process could be an hour or weeks, it’s different for everyone. But, after you feel like you're ready, re-engage with the feedback and the source.
Think ahead
These conversations may be awkward, but it's important that you understand the feedback you were given. Ask open-ended and clarifying questions. Then, as you receive and process feedback, shift to thinking ahead. Ask “What can I do about X?” “How can I close that gap?” Be curious, not judgmental. If you dwell too much on feedback and past actions, it will take away the necessary energy you need to address the problem at hand. And if you really want to exceed expectations, schedule check-ins throughout the year, it will make next year's performance review a little less daunting. Returning to the office after the start of a new year may mean a fresh mindset, a clean office and an overall stronger motivation to get stuff done. But, before all that can start, it's important to reflect on last year’s work. Job performance reviews to many can be the most intimidating meeting of the year, but they don’t have to be.
In recent research, Thornock as looked at how emotional language influences feedback sessions, the use of peer reviews as a performance monitoring tool and technological advancements in providing relative performance information.
Forthcoming research will examine feedback format and its effect on individuals, feedback fairness and the effect of outcome feedback on creativity.