September 5, 2017

Nebraska in the national news: August 2017

University of Nebraska-Lincoln programs, faculty and students appeared in about 30 national and international news stories during August 2017.

Psychological research that found correlations between sexist attitudes and the age at which boys are first exposed to pornography generated worldwide coverage. A political science professor’s comments to the Associated Press about North Korea’s nuclear tests receive nationwide play, as did another political scientist’s interview with CNN about how ordinary people may allow neo-Nazism to flourish.

BBC News, LiveScience, London’s Evening Standard, Men’s Health and EWTN Global Catholic Network were among dozens of outlets worldwide that reported on a study by Alyssa Bischmann and Chrissy Richardson, educational psychology, that studied how the age at which boys first see pornography influences their attitudes toward women. The two doctoral students presented their findings at the American Psychological Association’s conference in Washington D.C.

The Associated Press included Tyler White, political science, in Aug. 9 interviews of experts about North Korea’s missile testing. The story appeared in more than 200 outlets worldwide, including the Washington Post, Stars and Stripes, ABC News, and U.S. News & World Report. White also was interviewed by Al-Jazeera and local radio station KLIN on Aug. 11.

Ari Kohen, political science, was among experts interviewed by CNN’s John Blake for an Aug. 24 story in the wake of the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The story discussed how apathy and inaction from ordinary citizens can allow white supremacy and neo-Nazism to flourish.

Other highlights from August:

Inside Higher Ed interviewed Toni Anaya and Charlene Maxey-Harris, University Libraries, for an Aug. 30 article on efforts to bring more diversity to the nation’s research librarians. The two Nebraska associate professors are working on a guide to current practices on diversity and inclusion for the Association of Research Libraries.

The university’s eclipse activities received some national coverage. Eveline Baesu, engineering, was mentioned in a BTN LiveBig article that featured photos from the Aug. 21 eclipse watching party. Baesu, who watched the eclipse from Holmes Lake Park, took photos of the total solar eclipse that will be published in “National Geographic” magazine. The Las Vegas Review-Journal included the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in its coverage of eclipse activities, interviewing Maya McIntosh, a veterinary science sophomore.

Deborah Bathke, National Drought Mitigation Center, was quoted by the Associated Press Aug. 4 in a widely carried story about a flash drought in the Northern Plains. FOX Business, U.S. News & World Report and the New York Daily News were among more than 200 outlets that used the story. The drought center also was mentioned in an Aug. 24 Minnesota Public Radio weather blog about Minnesota having its coolest state fair on record and in the Aug. 29 Portland Press Herald about drought in Maine.

WBUR’s Here & Now public radio news program interviewed Kim Clark, extension educator, for a Aug. 10 feature on how some Midwest dairy farmers now use robots to milk their cows.

The Aug. 5 New York Times Sunday Review included an op-ed from Jennine Capó Crucet, English, about the symbolism of homes and why she hesitated to buy a house in Lincoln.

Spain’s El Diario quoted Wheeler Winston Dixon, film studies for a Aug. 2 story about the 50th anniversary of the Jean-Luc Godard film “La chinoise.”

Kyle Dougherty, natural resource sciences, was featured in an Aug. 26 story about his project to track red foxes living in Lincoln by marking the scat they leave along the city’s bike trails. Dougherty, a graduate student, is working with Elizabeth VanWormer, veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences on the project. The story, which originated with the Lincoln Journal Star, appeared in numerous outlets nationwide after it was picked up by the Associated Press.

The Associated Press mentioned Shawn Eichorst, athletics, and Ronnie Green, chancellor, in an Aug. 14 report about the Athletic Department’s plans for a new $5 million annual scholarship fund for non-athletes. The story appeared in numerous outlets across the country.

Dennis Ferraro, natural resources, was quoted in a widely carried report from the Associated Press about Blanding’s turtles, a protected species that is thriving in the Sand Hills. The story originated in the Omaha World-Herald.

Outlets across the country carried an Aug. 4 Associated Press report that the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s new completed College of Business building had been named in honor of Howard Hawks, Board of Regents, an Omaha businessman who has made significant philanthropic contributions to the university.

“Conserving the Dust Bowl: The New Deal’s Prairie States Forestry Project,” a book about Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s effort to defeat the Dust Bowl by planting shelter belts of trees in the 1930s, was featured Aug. 4 by BTN in its summer book club feature. The book was authored by David Karle, architecture, and Sarah Thomas Karle, landscape architecture.

Peter McCornick, Daugherty Water for Food Institute was quoted in an Aug. 25 Market Watch report that philanthropist and agriculture expert Howard W. Buffett had been named to the institute’s board. With his father, Howard G. Buffett, Buffett authored a New York Times bestselling book on how to feed the world in the future. The story, which originated with PR Newswire, appeared in many outlets nationally.

NBC News’ Mach science news science site interviewed Heather Richards-Rissetto, anthropology, for an Aug. 16 feature on how technology is transforming archaeology.

Paul Royster, University Libraries, was quoted in an Aug. 3 Inside Higher Ed report about Elsevier’s purchase of Bepress, an institutional repository platform.

The Washington Post Constitutional podcast interviewed Joe Starita, journalism, about Ponca Chief Standing Bear and the 1879 federal court case that won legal recognition of Native Americans. Starita is author of “I am a Man: Chief Standing Bear’s Journey for Justice.”

Frans Von der Dunk, space, cyber and telecommunications law, was interviewed for an Aug. 26 Scientific American story about how the Outer Space Treaty may impact commercial plans to mine asteroids.

Agri-View published an Aug. 9 story about research from Harkamal Walia, agronomy and horticulture, to develop more heat-tolerant crops.

Faculty, administration, student and staff appearances in the national media are logged here. If you have additions to this list or suggestions for national news stories, contact Leslie Reed, the university’s national news editor, at or 402-472-2059.