A two-part lecture will feature historical accounts of first- and second-generation Japanese settlers in Nebraska.
The “Early Japanese in Nebraska” talks, hosted by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Kawasaki Reading Room for Japanese Studies, are 2 to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 26 in Architecture Hall, Room 127. A reception follows at 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Nisei Garden on north side of Kimball Recital Hall.
Lecture topics are: “Issei: Immigration and Early Settlers in Nebraska,” and “Nisei: The Next Generation, Honor and Rebuilding Lives in Nebraska.” The talks will be led by Julie Ushio, a researcher and genealogist; and Vickie Schaepler, a historian and member of the Nebraska State Historical Society Board of Trustees.
Both Ushio and Schaelpler are descendants of Issei — first generation Japanese who immigrated to North America. Schaelpler is also the daughter of a Nisei, or second-generation Japanese living in North America.
Though they faced widespread discrimination in America, Japanese immigrants formed a rich community network. Their children grew up in the shadow of World War II and forged a new path of resilience and service to America.
Individuals can RSVP online to attend the lecture. The talk is free and open to the public.
Sponsors include the University Program Council, Office of Academic Success and Intercultural Services, Classics and Religious Studies, Global Studies, Modern Languages and Literatures, Political Science, and the Nebraska State Historical Society.