September 12, 2016

Interdisciplinary translational science retreat open to faculty, students

National experts in translational science will present on Sept. 19 at the Nebraska Union as part of the 2016 Interdisciplinary Translational Science Retreat.

Hosted by six university colleges and organizations, the all-day retreat will focus on translational science for social, behavioral and educational research fields. Speakers include Diana Fishbein, Penn State University; Elaine Wethington, Cornell University; and Richard Spoth, Iowa State University.

Faculty, research scientists and students are invited to attend at no charge. Click here for details and registration.

The retreat features a morning panel that is open to the public and afternoon sessions for faculty interested in interdisciplinary work. Faculty will have opportunities to collaborate on potential projects and identify next steps for translational science at Nebraska.

Translating scientific findings for application in practice and policy contexts is a critical step in expanding and utilizing knowledge within the social, behavioral and educational fields, said Susan Sheridan, director of the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools.

“Translation is about taking all that we’ve learned from decades of important research and finding ways to work together to make sure it can get into the hands of people who need it,” said Sheridan, who is on the retreat’s planning committee.

“The stakes are high when you consider the significant research gaps between what we know and what we do—and it’s bigger than any one discipline can do alone. We have significant untapped potential for advancing translational work here at UNL, and we are excited to not only uncover it, but leverage it into bigger and broader opportunities.”

The 2016 Interdisciplinary Translational Science Retreat is sponsored by the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools; the College of Education and Human Sciences; the College of Business Administration; the College of Arts and Sciences; Nebraska Extension; and the Office of Research and Economic Development.