The Horticulture Club will host a spring bedding plant sale from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 28, 29 and 30 at the Teaching Greenhouse West on East Campus.
Due to COVID-19, the event has been changed to be a patio planter and hanging basket sale with a few specialty items offered a la carte. Students have made the sale easy by creating collections of planters and baskets with color and durability. Individuals simply choose the size and container type via online preorder and pay at pickup.
Preorders will be available for pick up on April 28 and 29 and a parking lot pop-up sale will be April 30. All orders and sales will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The Horticulture Club will follow all COVID-19 safety precautions for the sale.
The Horticulture Club is a University of Nebraska Recognized Student Organization that connects students who have an interest in growing and caring for plants, are interested in a career in horticulture, and wish to engage with industry professionals. Plant sales are periodically held throughout the year to fund programming activities, student travel, and facility improvements. Sales were suspended for spring 2020 due to the global pandemic, but were reintroduced in December 2020 as virtual sales events until in-person events can be held normally.