Healthy habits key to summer survival

Just because it’s summer, doesn’t mean now is the time to let our healthy habits slip away. While you may be out of a well-rehearsed academic routine, find a new one that will fulfill your summer days.
Wake up at a reasonable hour
Don’t get it twisted, one of the best parts of summer break is sleeping in. This is the time to sit back and relax, but it is also the perfect time to find a schedule that works for your summer. Sticking to a solid sleep schedule is crucial for your mental and physical health. Trust us — you won’t regret a good night’s sleep!
Fuel your brain
This could really be anything — from puzzles or chess to reading a book, do a little something each day to keep your brain in the game. The brain is a muscle, and three months without working this muscle can rewind progress and make the transition back to classes that much harder. Studies show that puzzles and similar behaviors can not only reduce the risk of health repercussions but also can improve the brain’s long-term function.
Get outside
As Nebraskans, we bear some less-than-ideal weather throughout the year. Summer is our turn to enjoy all the beauty and that means finding time every day to unplug and spend time outside! Lincoln is home to parks, lakes, trails, outdoor restaurants and activities to make the most of the summer season. Check out these blogs for outdoor eateries, parks and trails and other activities.
Check in with friends and family
Use this break to spend quality time with family and friends or step outside of your comfort zone and make new connections. During the school year, it can be challenging to balance work, academics and a social life. Set a goal for yourself to connect with loved ones every day or a few times a week. It is so, so important to pour into our relationships;, we wouldn’t be the people we are without them!
Invest in your future
Though academics, work and career planning may be the last thing on your mind, think about how much time and stress it will save you during the semester! Make it a habit to update your resume every so often this summer. If you’re in the mood to set yourself up for further success, consider saving and building a budget, achieving online certificates towards your major or exploring the job market.
Be summer-ready
Summer is a chance to get outside and soak in the sunshine and beautiful weather, but it’s important to stay vigilant! This means wearing sunscreen (yes, always) and staying hydrated. As a bonus, lean into summer food staples like fresh fruit and thirst-quenching juices and smoothies.