Nebraska’s fifth annual Science Slam will be held via Zoom at 6 p.m. May 27.
The event will kick off with a keynote talk by multimedia science content creator Attabey Rodríguez Benítez, who will also emcee the slam competition.
The Science Slam provides members of the campus community with an opportunity to communicate their research in short, engaging presentations. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Register to attend here. The slam event itself begins at 7 p.m.
The 2021 event will feature a “pajama party” theme, and participants are invited to wear their pajamas. Finalists will respond to one of two prompts, choosing either “truth” or “dare.” The winner will be decided by the audience.
Finalists and their areas of study are:
- Juliana Bukoski, mathematics;
- Nicole Fiore, biological sciences;
- Pallabi Kundu, biological sciences; and
- Crystal Uminski, biological sciences.
Rodríguez Benítez was a 2020 AAAS Mass Media Fellow at Science Friday, and she is now a writer, editor and content creator for the YouTube show SciShow.
The Science Slam is hosted by Nebraska’s Materials Research Science and Engineering Center.