A student walks by the snow-covered benches in the plaza north of the Lied Center for Performing Arts. After a record-setting snowfall delayed the start of the "spring" semester, the second week of February featured temperatures that have struggled to reach double digits.
With the chill of winter at the front of mind and spring storm season approaching, Huskers can sign up for UNL Alert, a system that issues alerts in the event of weather-related closures and campus emergencies. The system issues the mass notifications via text messages and emails to devices and accounts designated by subscribers. Learn more about UNL Alert.
Weather-related closings and emergency information will also be posted to the university’s main webpage, and primary Twitter accounts (@UNLincoln and @NebToday). Local television and radio stations are also notified in the event of weather-related closures.
Social media photos this week
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Did you know University Communication offers an ever-expanding digital photo archive? Learn more about campus images and how to access them.