The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity has curated a list of support resources in response to COVID-19, including information about pivoting to online instruction, teaching in a time of crisis, and maintaining self-care through challenging times.
NCFDD resources are free to all faculty, staff, postdoctoral researchers and graduate students with an @unl.edu or @huskers.unl.edu email account. Learn more and activate your account.
Some resources available on the NCFDD COVID-19 site include:
Turbulent Times Q&A — Building on a recent piece published in Inside Higher Ed, Mindi Thompson, the NCFDD director of faculty programs, discusses and shares strategies that can assist with focusing on health and wellness during challenging times.
Pivoting to Online Teaching — A practical framework for instructors on moving courses online quickly while dealing with their own personal and family needs, alongside the challenges their students may face with access to technology and the stress and anxiety of remote learning.
Check in with Yourself — If you’re feeling overwhelmed, Kerry Ann Rockquemore, NCFDD founder, offers some advice on checking in with yourself, identifying your needs, and figuring out what could be helpful in this difficult time.
Tips on Moving Your Course Online — Tips for first-time developers of online courses to encourage student engagement, with links to NCFDD resources that can help apply these strategies.
The university’s institutional membership has been renewed for the upcoming academic year and is provided by the offices of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Diversity and Inclusion, along with the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.