The Office of Research and Economic Development is conducting an internal competition to select the university’s applicant for the 2017 National Science Foundation EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track-2 Focused EPSCoR Collaborations.
Faculty should notify ORED of their intent to submit a proposal for the competition by 5 p.m. Oct. 28 using the online Notification of Intent to Submit form. Proposals are due Nov. 11. The university can submit one proposal to NSF by the Feb. 10 deadline.
The mission of NSF’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, or EPSCoR, is to increase research, education and training capacity and competitiveness in EPSCoR states.
The Track-2 program supports collaborative teams that must include investigators from at least two EPSCoR-eligible states. The aim is to build sustainable science, technology, engineering and mathematics capacity through research and education activities that include a broad range of partnerships. Proposals must emphasize diversity of all types – individual, institutional, geographic and disciplinary – and should focus on development of diverse early career faculty. For 2017, proposals are invited on a single topic: Genomes to Phenomes.
Read more about the Limited Submissions Funding Programs and see the full Track-2 solicitation on the web.
For more information, contact Nathan Meier, assistant vice chancellor for research, at 402-472-3902 or nlm@unl.edu.