Comedian Bill Posley will perform "The Day I Became Black" at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 9 in the Nebraska Union Centennial Room.
Biracial comedian Posley grew up happily identifying as both black and white. But at age 10, he learned that the world does, indeed, judge a book by its color. Despite being half white, he's labeled 100% black. Does a young comedian have to get rid of his whiteness in order to be the color he's "supposed" to be? Hear Posley weigh in on the modern-day conversation about race from a unique and humorous perspective.
The event, sponsored by UPC Nebraska, is free to University of Nebraska–Lincoln students with Event Pass. COVID-19 mitigation measures require that attendance is limited for this event. Students can RSVP to attend through the University Program Council page on NvolveU.
For Nebraska students unable to attend the event in-person, UPC Nebraska is streaming the show, available here.
UPC Nebraska is taking steps to ensure the event is safe for all participants. Six feet social distancing rules will be enforced, masks are required, and hand sanitizer will be available at this event.
For more information on the event, visit the University Program Council page on NvolveU.