August 26, 2021

Chancellor: 'We will always work harder and do better to help prevent sexual assault'

Message issued in response to sexual misconduct allegations

Video: Message from Chancellor Ronnie Green

Chancellor Ronnie Green issued an Aug. 26 video message in response to sexual misconduct allegations and the resulting on campus demonstrations. Watch the video message above, read it below or review both here.

Green also talked directly with student leaders on Aug. 26. The discussion was organized by the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska.

Appreciate the candor and counsel of so many of our student leaders. A very helpful and constructive conversation. Thank you @ASUN_UNL for organizing.

— Ronnie D. Green (@RonnieDGreen) August 27, 2021

To our students, faculty and staff:

Sexual assault is heinous and should never happen. I wish we lived in a world where it didn’t.

We have taken a number of steps on our campus to prevent sexual assault, to help ensure victims feel comfortable coming forward, to support survivors and to investigate and address allegations of sexual misconduct.

This week, sexual assaults were reported to our UNL Police Department. And they immediately began investigating each of them. My heart breaks at the thought of any young person facing that trauma at the beginning of their collegiate experience, or at any time they are a member of our UNL family.

I know that our UNL Police Chief, Hassan Ramzah, also takes this very seriously and uses a trauma-informed approach in working with the victims and thoroughly investigating each case as he’s doing right now.

We all wish that resolution of these cases could come swiftly. But often, it’s not as simple as “locking them up.” The guarantee of due process is part of our Constitution and core to who we are as Americans.

Our law enforcement officials, our Title IX officials, are bound by clear legal guidance and process. As a university, we have a responsibility to follow that defined process and protect the rights of all involved — even while we move as quickly as we can.

And I know that the end of that legal process sometimes just doesn’t feel like justice. I get that. I understand many of you are angry. I’m angry too.

We will always work harder and to do better to help prevent sexual assault. And I hope all of you will as well. If you see something, say something. Stick together. Be safe. Take care of one another.

And if you’re a young man who somehow thinks this is cool — think again. It is unacceptable. No means no. And if you violate that, and we can prove it — you have no place on our campus.

This message includes safety and victim resources available to our UNL community. Please make sure you are aware of all of the safety measures available to you. And if you are a victim of sexual assault or harassment, there are people here to help you.

Resources for anyone who has been a victim of sexual misconduct:

UNL Center for Advocacy, Response and Education
Counseling and Psychological Services
Employee Assistance Program
Use Your Voice
University Police
UNL Report

Chancellor Ronnie D. Green, Ph.D.