This year, the condensed two-week Center for Transformative Teaching Summer Institutes are designed to guide instructors who are new or inexperienced in online learning through the steps of course planning and development, allowing them to explore the unique opportunities and challenges of the online learning environment.
Topics covered will include:
Evaluation, design, or redesign of online courses.
Authentic assessment that aligns appropriately with course learning objectives.
Establishing an effective online instructional persona that fosters a sense of collaborative community among learners.
Developing strategies for managing time, communication, and instructor/student roles.
Academic integrity, course material accessibility, copyright considerations.
The application of research-based principles of instruction to create learner-centered, interactive, online learning activities that promote student success.
The course will run twice, from May 4-15, and May 18-29.
Visit the Center for Transformative Teaching Summer Institute website to sign up.