As part of a shift to remote working and teaching, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln will close several public buildings starting March 20. All will be closed until further notice.
The closures, which are part of the university’s larger response to the COVID-19 threat, include the Nebraska Unions, Love Library, Campus Recreation and the Children’s Center. Closure dates and access information (where applicable) are below.
March 20
Children’s Center
Love Library — Individuals with a valid NCard will be able to access Adele Coryell Hall Learning Commons on the first floor of Love Library North from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays.
Nebraska Union — Individuals with a valid NCard will be able to access the 24-hour computer lab inside the west entrance to the building.
Nebraska East Union — Individuals with a valid NCard will be able to access the building’s first floor, which includes dining services and a computer lab.
Outdoor Adventure Center — Closing at 8 p.m.
March 22
Campus Recreation Centers — City and East campuses, closing at 6 p.m.
Additional public venues on campus, including museums and theaters, announced closures on March 16.