Recent achievements for the campus community were earned by Nicole Buan, Katherine Frels, Paula Clare Harper, Sarina Janssen, Alyssa Johnson, Emma Krab, Korbin Kudera, Richard Leiter, Abby Ostdiek, Jared Stander, Katie Steffen, Claire Stewart, Chris Stoehr, Kirsten Wandrey and 14 Huskers who competed in the American Advertising Federation’s annual national student competition.
Five College of Journalism and Mass Communications students will receive scholarships from the Omaha Press Club for the 2021-2022 academic year. Kirsten Wandrey will receive the Paul N. Williams Scholarship. Abby Ostdiek will receive the John Davis Scholarship. Emma Krab will receive the Stan Bond Scholarship. Alyssa Johnson will receive the Panko-Robert’s/Presidents Memorial Scholarship. Chris Stoehr will receive the Senator Edward Zorinsky Memorial Scholarship for Graduate Study. Read the full story here.
The Crops Judging Team placed third in the Blue Dragon Classic crops judging contest at Hutchinson Community College on April 16. Nebraska’s winning team includes agronomy majors Jared Stander, Katie Steffen, Korbin Kudera and Sarina Janssen.

A team of 14 Husker earned second place in District 9 of the American Advertising Federation’s Virtual National Student Advertising Competition on April 16. Team members are Camille Paddock, Dylan De Vries, Brenna Doherty, Nicole Tubbesing, Bryce Reichardt, Jaydn Bernt, Madison Zumpfe, Mackenzie Zaruba, Madeleine Leblanc, Breanna Epp, Olivia McCown, Sophia Messineo, Caleb Kirilov, Gabrielle Cottraux and Zhaozhou Dai. Learn more about the 2021 team here.
Since its inception in 2004, the Dance Marathon at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln has raised more than $1 million for the Children’s Hospital and Medical Center. The milestone is the result of community donors, Huskerthon participants and student volunteers. The 2021 Huskerthon raised $224,000.
Nicole Buan, associate professor of biochemistry, has been named an associate editor of the peer-reviewed journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology, published by the American Society for Microbiology. Buan will officially join the editorial board on July 1.
Katherine Frels joined the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture on March 1 as an assistant professor and to head the small grains breeding and genetics program. Frels is currently working on a project to increase genetic resistance to wheat stem sawfly while maintaining high yield in Nebraska wheat. She and her research team will be testing high-throughput phenotyping methods to more efficiently select for resistant wheat lines and will investigate non-solid stem types of resistance.
Paula Clare Harper, formerly a postdoctoral teaching fellow at Washington University in St. Louis, has been named an assistant professor of musicology in the Glenn Korff School of Music. She will teach courses in music history, ethnomusicology and popular music, as well as special topics.
Richard Leiter, professor of law and director of the Schmid Law Library, was selected by the Government Publishing Office to serve a three-year term on the Depository Library Council. The council advises the director of the Government Publishing Office on policies to modernize and distribute all federal government documents.
Claire Stewart, dean of libraries, was recently appointed to serve on several national association committees and task forces. She was appointed chair of the Association of Research Libraries Member Meeting Task Force for 2021 and vice-chair/future chair of the ARL Advocacy and Public Policy Committee for 2021-2022. In addition, Stewart was invited to serve as a member of the ARL/Canadian Association of Research Libraries data task force. Stewart is also serving on Big Ten Academic Association’s BIG Collection Steering Committee to help shape the creation of a new collective collection among the BTAA member libraries. She was appointed to serve on the HathiTrust Board as a BTAA representative.
This column is a regular feature of Nebraska Today. Faculty, staff and students can submit achievements to be considered for this column via email to achievements@unl.edu. For more information, call 402-472-8515.