Nationally acclaimed historian and author Mitchell Yockelson will discuss World War I Gen. John Pershing in a free presentation at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on Oct. 11. The College of Journalism and Mass Communications and the Department of History are hosting Yockelson’s visit.
“America is preparing to observe the 100th anniversary of World War I. It’s great to have a noted historian like Mitch Yockelson talk about Pershing’s role in the war that established the U.S. as a global superpower,” said Barney McCoy, associate professor of broadcasting. McCoy is producing a TV documentary on Pershing.
Yockelson, a military history specialist at the National Archives and Records Administration, will discuss Gen. Pershing’s leadership in the deciding Battle of the Meuse-Argonne. More than a million U.S. troops fought in the 1918 battle. Yockelson wrote about it in his new book “Forty-Seven Days.”
Yockelson’s public presentation is at 7 p.m. Oct. 11 in Andersen Hall, Room 15.
For more information on Yockelson’s book, click here. To see a report McCoy produced on Pershing’s Nebraska connection for NET’s “Nebraska Stories,” click here.