An upgrade to UNL’s Active Directory will change the look of the Outlook online webmail login screen on Aug. 17. The upgrade will improve Office 365 performance and increase security.
Following the upgrade, mobile users will need to re-authenticate username and passwords.
Benefits to users the Outlook Web application include:
Support for every current browser
Web client log out errors remediated
Auto-detection of preconfigured login preferences
New, branded page for online webmail logins, replacing the in-browser, drop-down authentication login. The new login screen is specifically dedicated to Office 365 webmail.
Information Technology Services is completing the Active Directory Federation upgrade to version 3.0. To improve security, ITS is also working with departments and colleges to prepare to disable the NTVLM v1 protocol within Active Directory.
For more information about the upgrade, contact the Computer Help Center at mysupport@unl.edu, 402-472-3970 or 866-472-3970.