With moderate heat expected on game day this week, UNL officials are encouraging fans planning to attend Aug. 30’s football game at Memorial Stadium to be aware of the dangers of heat and humidity and to take steps to protect themselves.
The Huskers will face Florida Atlantic University in the heat of the day – in temperatures near 90 degrees and humidity around 65 percent.
Many fans will be seated in direct sunshine, which can raise the heat index by an additional 15 degrees. Close contact with other fans raises it further.
To prevent heat illness, fans attending Saturday’s game should:
Drink lots of water. Avoid drinking liquids that contain alcohol or large amounts of sugar, which cause the loss of more body fluid. Avoid very cold drinks, because they can cause stomach cramps.
Minimize direct contact with the sun. Try to rest often in shady areas.
Snack regularly, rather than eating heavy meals. Consider eating light, cool, easy-to-digest foods such as fruit or salads.
Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing.
Stadium policy allows fans to bring in empty plastic water bottles.Fans can purchase more water or refill at water fountains on the main concourses of Memorial Stadium. Four large, portable water fountains, one on each side of the stadium, also will be available.
The American Red Cross provides emergency medical services in the stadium and at first aid stations located in the southeast corner of field level, east stadium upper concourse, northwest concourse and west stadium club level of the stadium.
The southeast and northwest aid stations will be staffed with Lincoln Fire and Rescue paramedics and EMTs to provide advanced medical care and facilitate any necessary transfers to area hospitals. Contact emergency services by texting to 69050 with the first word in message “UNLPD” or contact Red Cross volunteers, Boy Scout volunteers or stadium personnel.