A group of 75 international researchers, clinicians and graduate students will gather at UNL on Nov. 8-9 for the 2014 Occasional Temperament Conference.
Featuring seven research- and practice-oriented symposia, this 20th edition of the conference will address biological, behavioral and intervention-related issues surrounding temperament – the innate ways that people think, feel and react to their environments.
Jack Bates, professor of psychological and brain sciences at Indiana University, will give a keynote address on the practical implications of developmental processes that involve interactions between temperament and environment.
In addition to hosting participants from across the United States, the conference will welcome scholars and practitioners from Spain, Poland, Australia, Canada and Mexico.
Termed “occasional” because it occurs on a roughly biennial basis, the conference has previously been hosted at sites that include Philadelphia, Indianapolis and Salt Lake City. This year’s event was coordinated by Kathleen Rudasill, a UNL associate professor of educational psychology and faculty affiliate of the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools.
For more information on the conference, visit cyfs.unl.edu/otc2014.