March 3, 2015

UNL Gallup Research Center celebrates 20th anniversary

A partnership between UNL and Gallup is celebrating its 20th year.

Founded in 1995, the UNL Gallup Research Center is an interdisciplinary research program directed toward the enhancement of teaching and research in the fields of survey research and quantitative analysis.

Through the partnership, UNL launched a graduate program in survey research and methodology. Originally a Master of Science program, survey and research methodology has expanded to a full-fledged graduate program offering certificates and doctorates. The interdisciplinary program has awarded 107 degrees and two certificates.

Early activities of the UNL Gallup Research Center included identifying and cultivating interactions between faculty research and the private sector; identifying new frontiers in the gathering, analysis and use of survey research data in both applied and basic research sectors; developing symposia, seminar series and publications to disseminate basic research; and the development and administration of the graduate program.

The center was recently successful in securing two awards from the National Science Foundation — a $2.97 million award to conduct research on reducing error in computerized survey data collection and a $300 thousand seed grant to establish the Central Plains Census Research Data Center at UNL.

Robert Belli, a professor of psychology, and survey research and methodology, is director of the center. The founding director is Allan McCutcheon.

An anniversary celebration will be held March 5.

For more information on the program, click here.

Robert Belli
Allan McCutcheon
Allan McCutcheon