A series of lunch-hour walking tours through the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s East Campus gardens continues Aug. 9.
The tour will examine the Department of Entomology’s water-wise garden and new pollinator prairie. If time is available, the tour may also include the Cyril Bish nut orchard and cottonwood trees that are more than 100 years old.
To get to the tour area, turn east off the East Campus Loop between the Law College and Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Hall. Follow the road, turning right at the little, white wooden building, to the garden area.
The tours, which are free and open to the public, are normally offered the first Tuesday of each month through November. The August tour, originally scheduled for Aug. 2, was rescheduled due to hot temperatures.
The tours are informal and include sharing by participants. Emily Levine, special projects research horticulturist, leads each tour.
For more information, including a map of the tour area and available parking, click here, or contact Levine at elevine2@unl.edu.