June 10, 2014

Students must re-register network devices

Due to a database error, all UNL students must re-register electronic devices used to access the campus network. Information on how to reconnect devices is available by clicking here.

Jim Hlava, network manager for Information Technology Services, said the error resulted from an annual purge of network users.

“Normally, we alert students that this is going to happen over the summer and it is a non-event,” Hlava said. “Unfortunately, an error caused the purge to happen weeks before it was planned.”

Hlava said UNL’s computer help desk received more than 1,000 calls about the issue. The error reportedly affected students who had devices registered and had been attending UNL for more than one year.

For more information on how students can reconnect to the UNL network, go to http://go.unl.edu/reconnect.