Susan Sheridan, George Holmes University Professor of Educational Psychology, has been named chair of the advisory committee assisting with the search for UNL’s next chancellor.
The committee is working with professional search firm Isaacson, Miller to identify, recruit and screen potential candidates to succeed current Chancellor Harvey Perlman, who is stepping down next year.
“Sue is a highly accomplished faculty member who is well-regarded by her peers and who understands well UNL’s fundamental commitment to undergraduate education and research,” said Hank Bounds, NU president. “She will provide valuable leadership and insights during this critical search for UNL and the state.”
Sheridan is founding director of the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools and the National Center for Research on Rural Education. She has received more than $34 million in grant funding to conduct research in early childhood education and interventions for children at risk, and has authored almost 200 books, chapters, and journal articles in refereed sources. Sheridan is a Fellow of Division 16 of the American Psychological Association and the recipient of prestigious awards including the 2005 Presidential Award from the National Association of School Psychologists, the 2014 University of Nebraska Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award, and the 2015 Senior Scientist Award by APA’s Division 16 for her research contributions to the field of school psychology.
Bounds also appointed an additional member to the search advisory committee. Bill Stephan, executive director of the Lied Center for Performing Arts, will serve on the 25-member committee, which includes representatives from a range of key constituencies including the faculty, staff, administration, student body, private sector and agricultural community.
Nebraskans are invited to share their thoughts on the chancellor search by completing a survey online. Updated news and information related to the search is available at http://nebraska.edu/unlchancellorsearch.