April 6, 2016

Sexual assault awareness activities launch April 6

The UNL Faculty Senate will consider a motion concerning guns on campus and a proposed professional ethics statement in a 2:30 p.m. Dec. 1 meeting in the East Union, Arbor Suite.

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is holding activities in April in observance of Sexual Assault Awareness month. The activities are designed to increase awareness and prevention of sexual assaults.

Events open with a talk by Aaron Boe, a national speaker on preventing sexual misconduct and abuse in relationships and founder of Prevention Culture, April 6 in the Nebraska Union’s Centennial Room. Boe will lead a session for women at 6:30 p.m. and another for men at 8:30 p.m. The presentations, sponsored by Alpha Tau Omega, are free and open to UNL students and faculty.

UNL’s Office of Equity and Compliance will also promote the “Husker, It’s On Us” campaign from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 18 on the Nebraska Union plaza. Students will be asked to take a pledge to end sexual violence. The first 200 to take the pledge will receive a free T-shirt.

ASUN will also launch an “It’s On Us” video in April. The video will be distributed via UNL social media channels.

And, on April 20, UNL will host a series of “End Rape on Campus” events — including a book signing, poetry slam, speeches and a march to the Nebraska State Capitol building. The activities begin at 2 p.m. on the Nebraska Union plaza with a book signing by Andrea Pino and Annie Clarkwill, authors of “We Believe You.”

Speeches and a poetry slam follow at 3 p.m. with the “End Rape on Campus” march starting at 4 p.m. At the capitol building, speeches will be delivered by local government representatives, Pino and Clarkwill.

Representatives from Voices of Hope, a Lincoln-based group that assists victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, will attend and offer information on support and resources available.

For more information on sexual assault, prevention, reporting and resource options, click here.