NuTek Food Science, a company that helps create great-tasting and affordable food to enhance global health, will locate its research and development office at Nebraska Innovation Campus later this year, Dan Duncan, NIC’s executive director, announced Aug. 4.
“NuTek Food Science is another great example of why the University of Nebraska-Lincoln chose to locate its Food Science and Technology Department at NIC,” Duncan said. “This location provides a great opportunity to work with the private sector on innovation that promotes healthier and more nutritious food options.”
NuTek markets “better-for-you” salt products. The company sources potassium salt from North America and, using a technological innovation, delivers improved nutrition in food through unprecedented levels of sodium reduction, replacing it with potassium, a necessary and under-consumed nutrient. It has two product lines, NuTek Salt and Salt for Life. NuTek Salt is for food manufacturers and restaurants; Salt for Life is a bottled blend of potassium salt and sea salt for consumer use in cooking and topical uses, providing great salt flavor and an unprecedented 75 percent reduction in sodium. The company has offices in Omaha, Minneapolis and Washington, D.C. For more information, visit nuteksalt.com and saltforlife.com
NuTek Food Science is locating at NIC in large part because it already works closely with the UNL Food Processing Center to improve its products and expand its product lines, officials said.
“For many years NuTek Food Science has worked closely with the world-class UNL food pilot plant and product development labs for testing purposes. We look forward to extending the relationship while taking full advantage of this fantastic new facility on Nebraska Innovation Campus,” said Brian Boor, President and COO of NuTek Food Science.
Rolando Flores, head of UNL’s Food Science and Technology Department and Director of the Food Processing Center, said the university has established a strong relationship with the company.
“The work conducted with NuTek Food Science exemplifies the type of applied research and product development that has characterized the activities of the Food Processing Center,” Flores said. “More new discoveries and applications will continue happening from the NuTek Food Science and Food Processing Center work at NIC.”
Nebraska Innovation Campus is a research campus designed to facilitate new and in-depth partnerships between the university and private sector businesses. At full build-out, NIC will be a 2.2-million square-foot campus with uniquely designed buildings and amenities that inspire creative activity and engagement, transforming ideas into global innovation. For more information, click here.