July 26, 2010

Nominees for NEH Summer Stipends due Aug. 6

The Office of Research is seeking faculty nominations for the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Summer Stipends program. UNL can nominate two faculty for the program.

The National Endowment for the Humanities’ Summer Stipends program provides support for individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences or both. Stipend recipients usually produce articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations, editions or other scholarly resources. Support is provided for projects at any stage of development, including funds for full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two months.

Notifications of intent to submit, available online at http://go.unl.edu/nxg, are due by Aug. 6. For more information about the internal selection process, go to http://go.unl.edu/025 or contact Noah Clayton at nclayton3@unl.edu or 472-8031.