June 26, 2014

Noble holds innovative agriculture seminar June 27

Andrew Noble

Andrew Noble

The seminar “Feeding Nine Billion People without Destroying the Planet: It is Possible,” will be hosted by the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute at UNL on June 27.

Andrew Noble, program director of the CGIAR research program Water, Land and Ecosystems at the International Water Management Institute, will be speaking at the seminar, which begins at 3 p.m. in the Hardin Hall auditorium on East Campus. The seminar is free and open to the public.

Feeding nine billion people in 2050 will not only require people to produce 70 percent more food, it will also require significant changes in the way people manage water and land resources with the increasing climate, economic and financial crises and rapid population growth.

The CGIAR research program seeks to identify innovative solutions that support a sustainable increase of agriculture, while recognizing the critical role ecosystems play in enhancing agricultural productivity and improving livelihoods.

Noble will present key achievements of WLE, which demonstrate that it is possible to unite agriculture and nature for poverty reduction.

For more information, contact Dana Ludvik at dludvik@nebraska.edu or 402-472-9510.