Men@Nebraska is hosting the second annual Men and Masculinities Conference. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 8 in the Nebraska Union. The theme for the conference is “Making a ‘Man’: Developing Masculinities.”
Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. The multidisciplinary conference will be held in the Nebraska Union’s Regency Suite and Heritage Room.
Men@Nebraska is a University of Nebraska-Lincoln student organization affiliated with the Women’s Center. The focus is to challenge the traditional dominant ideals of masculinity and create a welcoming environment for all genders.
This is the only student-centered men and masculinities conference in the region. The university is accepting submissions of paper or poster presentations on an array of topics surrounding masculinities. Topics are varied, but should be based in academia or practice-based work. Undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty and staff are encouraged to submit work.
For more information, contact Felipe Longoria at wcmensprograms@unl.edu.
Register at http://involved-apps.unl.edu/a/M@nConference/.