December 19, 2013

Intramural Sports crowns 119 champions

Kappa Kappa Gamma & Fiji won this year's Broomball Co-Rec (A) division.

Kappa Kappa Gamma & Fiji won this year's Broomball Co-Rec (A) division.

From August to December, thousands of UNL students participated in 33 team and individual/dual intramural activities comprising 74 leagues and 101 divisions. Campus Recreation congratulates the following individuals and teams who won during the Fall 2013 season.

From traditional (flag football, volleyball) to non-traditional (pitch, battleship) events, Intramural Sports provides organized sport activities in which students can socialize and compete with fellow Husker students. Intramural Sports is a program of UNL Campus Recreation, whose mission is to enhance the educational experience and promote lifelong wellness through excellent recreation programs, services and facilities. Intramural Sports directly contributes to the physical, social, and emotional wellness of UNL students.

Activities are organized into women, men, co-rec, and/or open leagues. Text in ( ) denotes the division in which the championship was won.

Photos of the winners can be viewed at:

Homecoming 5K
• Co-Rec: Devin Grier & Jeffrey Yau • Women: Morgan Jacobi • Men: Andreas Dreitz

9-Ball Pool • Women: no entries • Men: Meng Wah Leong

2-on-2 Basketball • Women: no entries
• Men: John Silva & Jeffrey Yau

3-on-3 Basketball • Co-Rec: Soup Bones (Sect. 1) • Women: no entries • Men: Older and Wrinklier (Sect. 4), Olf and Wrinkly (Sect. 5), Average Bros (Sect. 6), Sig Ep Frosh (Sect. 7), Volleymitten (Sect. 8), Lambda Chi Alpha (Sect. 9)

Bench Press • Women: Hannah Edwards (132), Mariah Keech (148), Chloe Neuvirth (165) • Men: Alec Gaggini (165), Griffin Nuzzo (181), Stephan Laboy (198), Sheridan Nusz (220), Jacob Reis (Unl.)

Bowling: • Co-Rec: Remington Rotthaus & Sydney Rotthaus
• Women: Sydney Rotthaus • Men: Remington Rotthaus

Broomball • Co-Rec: Phi Gamma Delta [Fiji] & Kappa Kappa Gamma 1 (A), Sloppy Stix (B), Kappa Sigma & Gamma Phi Beta (C)

Climbing Wall
• Women: Rebecca Johnson (Beginner) • Men: Matthew Steier (Beginner), Trevor Poppen & Nick Varilek Tie, Al Provorse (Advanced)

Preseason Flag Football • Women: no entries • Men: Sig Ep Seniors

Flag Football: • Co-Rec: Heath Erwin and Co. (A), Team Boss (B), RSO Newman Defenders (C) • Women: no entries • Men: ADIDAS-Farmhouse Seniors (All-University + Fraternity A), Sig Ep Juniors (Fraternity B), Phi Delta Theta 4 (Fraternity C), N.W.O. (Independent AB), Randy Rawdoggers (Independent B2), Blue Ballers (Independent C1), Swift Kick In The Grass-Leick (Independent C2), Harper Four (Residence Hall AB), Caucasion Invasion (Residence Hall C)

Flag Football Regional Tournament • Co-Rec: Dueker Still Sucks
• Women: Viktorious Secret
• Men: Falcons

Football Pick-ems:
• Open: Maxwell Baker (Week 1), Jordyn Tollefson (Week 2 + Week 5), Emilyne Nichols (Week 3), Debroah Kane (Week 4), Aaron Dueker (Week 6), Sierra Weber (Week 7), Mandi Hulme (Week 8), Jared Ostdiek (Week 9), Garrett Deeds (Week 10), Amanda Dinneen (Week 11), Shannon Cunningham (Week 12), Adam Mongar (Week 13), Thomas Bainter (Week 14)

2-Person Golf Scramble
• Co-Rec: no entries • Women: no entries • Men: Seth Barkley & Riley Knake

Pre-Season Indoor Soccer • Women: no entries • Men: RSO Go Laso

Indoor Soccer • Women: Alpha Omicron Pi
• Men: Beta Theta Pi (Fraternity AB), RSO Go Laso (Independent A), RSO Oman (All-University + Independent B), SAE All House (Independent C + Fraternity C), Esther’s Crew (Residence Hall)

Obstacle Course • Co-Rec: no entries • Women: no entries • Men: Nicholas Harloff

• Open: Jacob Poots & Justin Gilg

Placekicking • Co-Rec: no entries • Women: no entries • Men: Jacob Warneke

Punt, Pass, and Kick • Co-Rec: no entries • Women: no entries • Men: Bryan Peters

• Co-Rec: no entries • Women: no entries • Men: Brandon Guthrie

Rifle Shoot • Co-Rec: Nathan Clayburn & Caitlyn Parmelee • Women: Lauren Phillips
• Men: Quentin Tripp

4-on-4 Sand Volleyball
• Co-Rec: Pass That (A), Hot Sets (B1), Sand Blasters (B2), Pauly’s D’s (B3), 2 Bump Chumps (C1), The Other Guys (C2)
• Women: The Blur (B), Bump Set Quit (C)
• Men: Slap That Ace (All-University), Phi Psi A (Fraternity B), TKE (Fraternity C), Sandy Slammers (Independent B), Fighting Halibut (Independent C), Esther’s Crew White (Residence Hall)

Preseason Slow Pitch Softball
• Women: no entries • Men: Phi Delta Theta

Slow Pitch Softball • Women: no entries • Men: Sig Ep All House (A), Dikembe Mujumbo (B), The Fighting Muocooghas (C)

Tennis Singles • Women: Katie Black • Men: Drew Bartek

Tennis Doubles: • Co-Rec: Anna West & Brandon Guthrie • Women: Laura Porath & Alyssa Erickson • Men: AJ Blazek & Matthew Strasburger

Texas Hold’em
• Open: Jackson Buck

Tug-of-War • Women: no entries • Men: AGR

Volleyball • Women: Bad News Bears (All-University + A), Swat Team-Vitera (B), Shake Weights (C)
• Men: Sparklemotion (All-University), The Squad (C)