April 10, 2014

Informatics retreat, curriculum planning session is April 11

Fields like marketing, life sciences and the humanities were once largely disjointed disciplines. Now, the Information Age is bringing the fields together through informatics.

Informatics is the art of using data to tell a story; asking questions about data sets and mining them to find answers to what drives behavior. It is also a new discipline and UNL is exploring a new major course of study to match demand.

An information and undergraduate planning session on informatics is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 11 in the Nebraska Union’s Heritage Room. The free event is open to faculty, graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.

The workshop will be led by Jennifer Clarke, associate professor of statistics and director of the computational sciences initiative, and other faculty across college majors. The presentation will include short informational talks about classes available at UNL and how students can add informatics to their area of study.

An open undergraduate curriculum planning meeting will follow lunch.

Meals, including breakfast and lunch, are included. The event will be streamed live online at http://bigdata.unl.edu/news-events.

Register for the workshop at http://bdcnebraska.org/?page_id=178.