March 5, 2014

Hahn, Booton honored at UAAD event

The University Association for Administrative Development at UNL celebrated Founders Day on Feb. 19 to celebrate its 52nd year on campus.

Rik Barrera, assistant dean in the College of Business Administration, provided a keynote presentation as well as presented the annual Carl A. Donaldson and Floyd S. Oldt Awards.

This year’s recipient for the Carl A. Donaldson Award for Excellence in Management was Donna Hahn, budget business coordinator with the College of Education and Human Sciences. This year’s recipient for the Floyd S. Oldt Award for Exceptional Service and Dedication was Steve Booton, associate director in the Office of the University Registrar.

UAAD’s mission is to provide leadership, networking, professional development and growth on behalf of UNL’s managerial and professional employees. UAAD serves as a contributing partner to the university mission of teaching, research and service/outreach. For more information, click here.

Steve Booton
Donna Hahn