The Nebraska Alumni Association’s Football Fridays series is coming home.
After spending the last two seasons in Lincoln’s Haymarket District, Football Fridays will again be held on UNL’s City Campus. The seventh season of the series kicks off at 5 p.m. Sept. 4 at the Wick Alumni Center’s Holling Garden, 1520 R St.
The featured speaker for the first 2015 Football Friday is Hank Bounds, president of the University of Nebraska system. Local media and former Huskers will preview Nebraska’s season opener and answer questions from fans. Greg Sharpe of the Husker Sports Network will serve as emcee.
Football Fridays also include children’s games, prizes and performances by the Husker Spirit Squad and pep band. The schedule includes Family Night on Sept. 11 and will feature the Lincoln Children’s Zoo, Lincoln Children’s Museum and University of Nebraska State Museum. On Oct. 9, Football Fridays will be at the Nebraska Innovation Campus for a grand opening celebration.
Additional dates and weekly features are posted at http://huskeralum.org/football-fridays. All events are free and open to the public. Food and drinks will be available for purchase, including Runza and Valentino’s pizza.
Other Football Fridays events include:
Sept. 25 (Southern Miss): Homecoming celebration
Oct. 23 (Northwestern): Weekend of Champions
Nov. 6 (Michigan State): Postseason preview; analysis and predictions from Husker experts